Achieving a grade in the top Level - Level 4, detailed and perceptive - is never going to be a walk in the park. It's not easy but it can be achieved.
Detailed responses will include clear and relevant terminology, lots of quotes and lots of analysis of the story and the characters.
Perceptive is harder to teach as it's down to the individual - what do YOU think of what you have read (the effect on you as a reader).
One way in which to achieve perceptive analysis is to ask yourself 2 questions:
1) How do the characters act and react in the situations they find themselves in?
2) Why do they have these actions and reactions - the cause and effect of the moment they find themselves in the middle of?
All stories are about characters - human beings dealing with their environment and the events that happen to them, around them and because of them.
All persuasive writing is about someone trying to share their opinions with you in the hope that you will agree with it or at least think about what they have to say more openly.
Think deeply about what you are reading: all stories are about human beings and human nature.
What are the writers trying to say?