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Paper 1, Question 2 (language features)...


This is the first question to test your understanding of the 3 key elements for the Reading section: 1) understanding of the story overall, 2) understanding of characters in full detail, 3) understanding and analysis of writer's methods.

8 marks. Around 10 minutes, depending on your time/extra time requirements.

The important thing to always remember for Questions 2, 3 and 4 of the Reading sections in both papers is that your explanations will define your final mark - WHY? WHY is EVERYTHING! Make sure that you fully explain the 3 elements stated above. Show the examiner that you have a full grasp as a reader of the story and as a student of English language.

I always recommend answering this question on language features - the ONLY question that appears on both Paper 1 and Paper 2 - the same way: using a 4-point plan:

1) Read the end of the question. You already know it's the language features question, so what are you finding language about? ('How does the writer use language here to describe...(what?)')

2) Read the text again. The extract is repeated for you in the Question Paper so there's no need to flick back and forth between the insert and the Question Paper. Read it again and highlight all of the answers to the question. Do NOT go feature spotting! Never go looking for language features. Every year students write about language features correctly, but achieve no marks for it when the feature they have chosen has no relation to the question you have been asked.

Don't go looking for language features. Go looking for the answers to the question.

3) Link the answers you have annotated to language features. What are those words? Adjectives? Adverbs? Metaphors? Similes? Repetition? Semantic Field? Alliteration? etc..

4) Pick 3 which are the most interesting for you which you can explain fully and confidently. WHY has the writer used that language feature? How is it developing the story overall and the character/s in it?

Use Point, Evidence, Explain for your 3 paragraphs on 3 different language features. You don't have to write 3, but more than 3 is too many and 2 is hedging your bets. However, you are always marked on the QUALITY of your work, never how much you can write. Remember, less is more. Say a lot about a little part of the text. DON'T RUSH! Write well. Know your language features. Know P.E.E. (or any of the numerous acronyms taught) and why it adheres to the mark scheme.

Point - 'The writer uses...(language terminology)'

Evidence - use lots of quotes and keep them short. It's not a copying exam.

Explain - the MOST important part of all your answers in the Reading section. WHY? Talk about those 3 key things: story overall, characters in detail, writer's methods.

This will require a longer post but the effect on the reader is required here in your explanations. YOU are the reader. Don't ever mention anything about the reader that is not specific to the text - there's no marks in it.. Avoid ‘it creates a picture in our heads’ or ‘it makes us feel how the character feels’. Explain to the examiner WHY the writer has used those terms specifically; WHY you have the opinions that you have. Make links between the story and the characters in it - cause and effect.

Don't use overcomplicated terminology you can't explain clearly. Don't explain to the examiner what the terminology means - they know.

How well you explain yourself to the examiner will eventually define your overall mark. Read, understand, analyse, write. In roughly 10 minutes. Don't waste those minutes thinking what you need to do. Revise and know it before you go in, then follow the 4-stage approach and be confident in yourself and clear with how you are explaining yourself.


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