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Paper 1, Question 3 (Structure)...

This is the first question which requires you to show your understanding of the story as a whole. Question 1 is the first few lines. Question 2, the first few paragraphs. Question 3 is the story overall.

This question is about the ordering of events - the positioning of events in the story. WHY has the writer used that structural feature where they have?

Never re-tell the story in this question. The examiner knows it and will have read it a lot more than you will in 1 hour and 45 minutes. Your task is to analyse how the writer has used structural techniques to progress the story and engage you as the reader.

Learn your terminology for this question. You need structural features here, you can analyse them in Question 4 and you have to use them yourself as a writer in Question 5....structural features are very important to doing well in Paper 1. Learn them.

You have to cover the whole of the text, but not every single feature you find. Pick one from the top, one from the middle and one from the bottom. If you don't cover the whole of the text, you will lose potential marks as you have not answered the question correctly.

The question is always the same - 'How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader?'

PLEASE ignore the last 3 words! Don't go talking about the 'reader reading on'. It's generic and Level 1 all day long...focus on how the text has been structured to interest YOU.

It is advised that you offer an overview in your first paragraph of the whole source before breaking it down into its structural parts. Again, show the examiner you have understood the source as a whole before examining characterisation and writer's methods.

In terms of which terminology to use - that depends on the text and which ones you are most comfortable with. Ones that will commonly appear will be beginning, topic shift, tone, introducing new characters, zoom in/out, flashback, foreshadowing, cyclical structure, dialogue, end, pace... There are a lot of terms you can find in the text. It's the importance and interest of them that will lead to the marks. Be clear and relevant always, then aim higher - detailed and perceptive.

Focus on the effect of the writer's choices. Make links between the story, the characters and the writer's methods.

Write 3 P.E.E. paragraphs in your approximately 10 minutes here.

Point - structural term

Evidence - lots of short quotes

Explain - story overall, characters in detail, analysis of writer's method and effect on you as the reader, make links between terms to show how one event in the story leads to (or affects) another.

As a sentence starter, you could use - 'In the beginning the writer focuses on...(what/who)'

Talk about the story, talk about the making of the story. Look behind the curtain at the construction of the story. How has the writer used structural features to engage you?

Once you have answered this question. Think about how you can use these structural features yourself in Question 5 - Creative Writing. We'll come back to this...

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