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Paper 2, Question 3 (language features)...

The only question that appears on both GCSE English Language exam papers, so answer it the same way. This one will only refer to one of the 2 sources. Make sure that you have read for the lines you will be focusing on in this question in the correct source.

This question is worth 12 marks; about 12-15 minutes of your time, depending on your extra time requirements.

Use the 4-part approach to answering the language features question:

1) Read the end of the question - find language about what exactly?

2) Read the text again and annotate all of the correct answers to the question. NEVER GO FEATURE SPOTTING! Don't go looking for language features. Every year candidates will hang their hopes on a specific language feature they have chosen which doesn't relate to the actual question given, so don't do it - find the answers to the question.

3) When you have the evidence outlined, link them to language features.

4) Select the 3 most interesting ones that you have the most to say about and write up in P.E.E. paragraphs:

Point - 'The writer uses...(language term)'

Evidence - lots of short quotes

Explain - WHY? - analyse the subject overall, the writer's methods (why THAT word? What is it doing in the story?), in your own words (which is the effect on the reader).

Remember that in the Reading sections, say a lot about a little. Zoom in on words and the effect that they have in the story. Go beyond the words themselves with your own opinions and link to the story and characters in specific detail. Don't be general about the story, be specific and perceptive in your responses.

Go behind the scenes - how has the writer used words to create meaning. What terminology are those words? Use quotes as evidence to prove you have found specific things to discuss. Don't talk about 'the reader' as if it is someone other than you. It will alway be Level 1 - simple and limited. Talk about YOUR opinions. You are reading the sources. You're the one taking the exam. Forget other readers, this is YOUR time to shine.

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