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Reaching for the top: How to achieve a Level 4 answer in the Reading sections

AQA state that a Level 4 answer is your highest graded response.

They say:

The key words for level 4 in reading are ‘perceptive’ and ‘detailed’. What do we mean by this? A perceptive response would be developed, insightful, exploratory, conceptual, abstract, contextualised, profound and penetrating. On a practical level, it would offer a level of detail that moves beyond clear through its ability to, for example, offer a developed response which may explore different facets of the ideas/words/phrases used by a writer. For the longer questions, there would be evidence of higher order thinking when it comes to evaluation and comparison. For question 4 on paper 1, for example, a student’s response will move beyond the formulaic and offer alternative viewpoints which consider aspects of the text that might be surprisingly nuanced and subtle. For question 4 on paper 2, they will often synthesise the two viewpoints and make insightful cross-references that can be concise and penetrating rather than adhering to particular mnemonics.

Remember for Paper 1, all stories are commenting on human nature and human behaviour. Stories are written for us to think about ourselves in ways we may not always consider - our history, our mistakes, our morals, ambitions, failings, etc.

The key is to ask yourselves, 'what is the writer really trying to say here, beyond the story itself? What is the message I'm being asked to think about? To take away from the story when I have ready it?'

You need to make sure you cover your mark scheme for the reading sections:

1) understanding of the story overall

2) the characters/narrators in full detail - what do they feel? Think? Say? Do?

3) what methods has the writer used to create their work? (language and structural features)

To get to Level 4 in Paper 1, think about the bigger picture. Is the story about bravery, cowardice, family, friendship, loss, love, war, peace, good, evil? How does the writer explore these concepts through story and characters?

For Paper 2, make sure that you compare both texts with insightful opinions backed up with quotes. Look very closely for insightful similarities/differences. Go beyond the obvious. Go beyond what everyone else is doing. The closer and deeper you read the texts, the more original and engaging the things you will say about them.

Use P.E.E. for Questions 2 and 3 on both papers. Use P.E.T.E.R. for Question 4 on both papers. But don't stop there. Think outside the box and remember the rule - say a lot about a little. Level 4 is never about how much you write, it's about how deeply you explore the points you are making about the stories.

Go beyond clear and relevant. Push the 'why?' in your responses as far as you can. Think about human nature and the bigger picture.

Don't tell the examiner what they already know about the stories, characters/narrators and writers. Tell them what YOU think and use these things to back up your opinions.

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